Does your penis bend in one direction when erect?
Many men experience a curvature of the penis, and for as many as one percent of all men, this curvature is a painful, more serious problem known as “Peyronie’s disease.”
But did you know that there IS something you can do about it?
Do you have constant bloating, gas pains, and diarrhea?
More than 15 percent of all people in North America suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS. But the remedy is much easier than you might think!
Do you suffer from being the “nice guy”?
Most men would agree that women want to be with a nice guy. So why does this make us lose out so often in the end?
Read on to find the answers to these questions about what’s normal… and what isn’t.
How to Correct Your Penile CurvatureBy A.J. Alfaro

One of the most common questions I get asked is if there’s anything that can be done about a curved penis. In a nutshell, the answer in most cases is: “yes.”
There are usually a couple of different reasons behind an abnormal curvature of the penis. Let’s have a look at why it happens — and what you can do about it.
The Man-Made Curvature
The most common type of curvature is a slight twisting curve towards the right. The usual cause of this kind of curvature is due to vigorous masturbation with the right hand exclusively (as most men are right handed).
A similar situation can be seen on men who do their penis enlargement exercises with one hand exclusively. There’s a term for this condition: it’s known as having a “hand made” penis.
The solution for this type of self-induced curvature is simple: use the opposite hand until the situation corrects itself, then switch hands frequently from then on.
If you’re suffering from a more severe curvature or Peyronie’s disease, you may need to employ a more active approach to your problem.
What is Peyronite’s Disease?
Peyronie’s disease was discovered in the 18th century by a French surgeon of the same name. It is characterized by the formation of a hard, fibrous layer — called plaque — under the skin on one side of the penis.
The fibrosis starts out as inflammation, but can lead to scarring and a severe bend in the penis. The penis may bend sharply when erect.
Sometimes Peyronie’s affects both sides of the penis, causing indentation and shortening. The hardening and scarring can lead to painful erections and make intercourse painful and difficult.

The cause of Peyronie’s is thought to be injury to the walls of the internal cavity of the penis. This leads to bleeding and sometimes scar tissue formation.
The scar tissue is inflexible and tight, and sits in the shaft of the penis as a hard knot, causing the penis to bend.
If the damage occurs when young, the bend may be more severe, since the plaque buildup affects normal growth of the penis.
It is estimated that as many as one percent of men are affected with Peyronie’s disease.
It is not difficult to detect, and an examination of the area at the base of the curvature will show whether or not a person has Peyronie’s or a natural curvature of the penis.
Remedies for Peyronie’s
There are basically two ways to treat Peyronie’s disease. The first option is surgery.
Surgery is offered by some institutions as a remedy for Peyronie’s disease. The process is similar to that of fat-addition surgery to extend the penis. Any such incisions are dangerous, and all penile surgery should be very carefully considered before it is decided upon.
Only in very severe cases of Peyronie’s disease should such an option be considered.
An incision is made near the offending plaque, and the section of the penis that has scarred is typically removed. This may simply delay the problem, however, for the removal of the tissue may actually lead to more scarring, and the disease may replicate itself in a more severe form after the original deposit has been disposed of.
The second treatment option for Peyronie’s is to use techniques for penis enlargement. By increasing the size of your penis naturally, you can even out the sides of your penis, with a natural correction for the side affected by Peyronie’s disease.
There are documented cases of men who were able to correct severe curvaturesthrough natural penis enlargement.
While these methods do not actually get rid of the deposits, they can aid in intercourse and take away much of the pain involved with Peyronie’s by straightening out the penis significantly.
How to Straighten the Curve
Male enhancement exercises can help with both a natural curvature of the penis as well as a more serious case of Peyronie’s disease. The same exercises apply to both situations.
In order to effectively combat Peyronie’s, you must stimulate the area surrounding the plaque deposit, which is the cause of Peyronie’s.

While it is not possible to remove the deposit itself with techniques other than surgery, it is possible to get blood moving freely through the areas surrounding the deposit, and correct some of the curvature.
You will need to be aware of how your penis feels.
A good way to gauge this is to put your fingers near the deposit (or your best estimate of where it is) and feel it to make sure you are not aggravating the area.
If you notice any swelling or soreness, do not do the Peyronie’s exercises for one or two days until swelling and soreness disappear.
You are working with a sensitive area, so you must take great amounts of care not to damage yourself any further.
The Exercises
Here’s how to perform the straightening exercises:
- Step 1: Sit down, keeping your back as erect as possible. Gravity will push more blood into your lower abdomen and pelvis, which is never a bad thing in this exercise.Use lubrication, such as Vaseline or hand cream, to prevent from rubbing your skin too severely.
- Step 2: Begin to stroke your penis, using only your thumb and forefinger in a ring, pulling the skin slightly but not painfully.When you move back towards your body lighten the pressure and do not squeeze as hard, but move your hand quickly and begin pressure right at the base of the penis.You are moving the blood forward as fast as possible to the tip of the penis, and stimulating the ring around the head of the penis, which is the most sensitive part.
- Step 3: As you become erect continue to stroke yourself, squeezing harder against the oncoming pressure of the blood.This should prolong the time it takes to get a full erection, and you will feel the pressure of the blood against the skin of your penis.Continue to work the blood down into the head, milking the penis. Once you reach a full erection move your hand back to the base of the penis and hold it there. You are containing the blood in the penis and causing it to stretch very gradually.
- Step 4: With your free hand, tug gently on your penis, pulling it left, then right, then straight out. Do this three times in succession before switching direction.The fully erect state is the state in which it is best to stretch your penis because your skin is at its maximum tension for the amount of blood that is in it.As you stretch the skin will slowly expand, making your penis larger and giving it a larger capacity.
- Step 5: Do each direction three times, making a total of 9 stretches in each direction. Wait a few seconds and then release the hand at the base of your penis. You will be able to feel the blood flow pick up again.At any point in this exercise if your penis starts to hurt or you feel numb in any part of your body, release your grip on your penis immediately.
- Step 6: After you have released your grip and the blood begins to flow again, continue your earlier stroking with thumb and forefinger. Do not pass over the sensitive head of the penis; stroke only the shaft.This is also an exercise in control, since you will have stroked yourself to a full erection and not ejaculated. You want to calm yourself down with this stroke, and not concentrate on sexual images or thoughts.Eventually you should lose your erection entirely, at which point you should repeat the stretching exercise in Step 4 just one time when you are not erect, stretching to the point of tightness but not actual pain.
- Step 7: When you have completed this step you can shake your penis out, loosening the skin again and preventing soreness from the stretching.
- Step 8: Stand up slowly, allowing the blood to run back into your legs and lower body. If you feel faint hold on to a wall or some support so as not to fall over and injure yourself.
This entire exercise should take no more than 1-2 minutes.
You can view a video that demonstrates the bending exercises here. Of course, this website contains graphic content and mature subject matter, so please don’t view it if you could be offended.
You should begin to notice your curvature dissipate within one to two weeks, if this exercise is done in addition to normal workouts, approximately three to five days per week.

A Gut Feeling… Or “IBS”?By Dr. Z, ND

Everyone has the occasional bout of tummy trouble, maybe as a result of Montezuma’s revenge, food poisoning, or eating food that is too spicy or greasy. Stress can also cause abdominal pain and cramping, diarrhea, and gas or constipation.

However, many people live with such symptoms every day, yet no clinical disorder can be diagnosed.
Usually, MDs call this “Irritable Bowel Syndrome,” or IBS for short.
IBS is also known as a “functional bowel disorder,” because things are not functioning the way they should, yet there are no obvious signs of inflammation or other observable disease.
It is the most common digestive illness in North America, affecting at least 15 percent of the population. If you have IBS, you might have frequent diarrhea, constipation, or alternate between the two, combined with gas and discomfort.
IBS is problematic not only because it is uncomfortable and potentially embarrassing, but also because it can cause vital nutrients from being absorbed and used by the body.
Many other digestive problems can look like IBS, including inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease or even some types of cancer, so it is important to get a proper diagnosis.
What Causes IBS?
There are many factors that may contribute to IBS. Let’s have a look at some of the most common ones:
Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance is an inability of the body to secrete lactase, the enzyme required to digest lactose (milk sugar). The symptoms may appear like IBS. If the lactose is not digested, it remains in the intestines instead and is fermented by bacteria, which can cause gas and diarrhea.
Gluten Intolerance
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, oats, barley, and rye. Some people’s immune systems react to this protein, and the reaction damages the lining of the intestinal tract. Again, this can cause IBS symptoms.
There are a number of tests available to determine whether you are gluten intolerant, but the best way to check is to strictly avoid all gluten-containing foods for a few weeks. It’s important to abstain for a long period of time as it takes the intestines a while to heal.
A Low Fibre Diet
A low fibre diet is associated with constipation and irregular bowel movements. Dietary fibre, also known as roughage, comes from indigestible plant material, such as wheat bran, flax seeds, oat bran, legumes, and psyllium.
Current recommendations from the United States National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, suggest that adults should consume 20 to 35 grams of dietary fiber per day. The average American’s daily intake of dietary fiber is only 12 to 18 grams, or about half the recommended amount.
Increasing fibre in the diet usually helps people with IBS.
Fructose Malabsorption
Recent research shows that many people have problems digesting fructose, a sugar found in fruits as well as in many processed foods where fructose is used as a sweetener.

High fructose corn syrup is a popular sweetening agent for a multitude of foods, including soft drinks, yogurt, cookies, salad dressing, and soups.
Coca Cola is sweetened with regular sugar (glucose) in other countries, but with high fructose corn syrup in North America, because it is cheaper than sugar and Americans love Coke.
The average North American consumes approximately 63 lbs of fructose a year!
Once again, if the fructose is not absorbed by the body, bacteria go to work on it and ferment it.
Abnormal Gut Flora
If your entire intestinal tract was flattened out, the total surface area would amount to approximately 1600 square feet! That’s the floor size of a large apartment or small house. This entire surface area is normally colonized by microorganisms, hopefully beneficial ones like lactobacilli.
However, North Americans take an enormous amount of antibiotics, which invariable destroy many of the beneficial microorganisms and allow more harmful ones, such as yeast organisms, to overgrow.
Imagine the grass in your entire yard being taken over by thistles or poison mushrooms, and you get the picture. These harmful microorganism can secrete a number of chemicals which can irritate the intestines, again leading to IBS symptoms.
Yeast organisms love anything sweet, so the high sugar and fructose intake of the average North American is just feeding those organisms. Certain bacteria and parasites can also create trouble.
Food Sensitivities
Many people suffer from food sensitivities but may not be aware of them. The most common sensitivities are to foods like wheat, dairy, eggs, oranges, and sugar.
Again, these foods are consumed to excess in our diets. It is very useful to eliminate all suspicious foods from your diet for at least two weeks to see if your IBS improves.
Lack of Exercise
Your bowels move when you do. Regular exercise, especially fast walking or slow jogging, can do wonders for constipation.
How does YOUR lifestyle measure up?
If you suffer from IBS, stop a moment and consider your lifestyle in light of all the information you have just learned. Do you eat too much sugar? Do you get enough exercise? Do you get enough fibre in your diet?
The typical North American has a diet that is low in fibre but high in sugar, wheat, and dairy. We take too many antibiotics, and we tend to lead sedentary lifestyles. Take these factors into consideration, and it becomes obvious why bowel disorders are so common.
If you think you may have IBS, talk to your doctor. You need to make sure that you rule out some of the more serious diseases that have similar symptoms, like colon cancer or Crohn’s disease.
Once you’ve done that, try making changes to your diet and see what happens. Be sure to give each change two to three weeks before you evaluate any results. You may discover food sensitivities you didn’t know you had.
In any case, reducing your sugar intake and increasing your fibre is sure to make a difference.
“Just For Guys” Fun Fact…
In a survey of 400 men, 40% said they had a curved penis.
The Gift of Challenge
I receive emails from men all the time who just don’t understand where they went wrong… After all, they met great women, fell in love… and then got dumped!
And these are nice guys! But therein lies the problem… Check out the emails below to find out why being a “nice guy” can literally KILL your relationships with women…
The Problem: The Nice Guy Finishes Last…
Hey John,
What can I do to change my being “the nice guy”?
I have had at least 10 failed relationships and 3 failed marriages and every woman has told me the same thing: “You’re just too nice and no challenge.”
– Gp
The Remedy: A Dose Of “Personal Authority”
Thanks for your email. Sounds to me like you’re not having a problem meeting women, but you’re having a problem keeping them.
Generally this has to do with a lack of personal authority on your part within a relationship. Women look to men to lead, and if you don’t do so, they will leave you.

Oftentimes it can be subtle things — you start deferring to her, saying things like “whatever makes you happy,” and acting subservient.
What you have to do is make sure you take the lead within the relationship, creating an environment where she feels secure and protected while still doing the things that create attraction.
For example, she may ask you to buy her something, and you immediately say yes. Big mistake.
Because there’s no challenge for her, and women love challenges.
So, at first you tell her no, then you tell her no again, then you relent a bit, tell her no, relent a bit more, tell her no, then finally say yes. But you make her work for it, giving her the gift of emotional challenge.
The Problem: No Questions Asked
Hey John — thanks for sharing that last email. That’s how I got rid of my last wife. Kept on telling her I loved her and gave her anything she wanted — no questions asked. Took a year and a half and about 72 thousand dollars but she finally left.
– Ken
The Remedy: Create Challenge to Create Attraction
Thanks for the email Ken — funny, but when you do what society and the media tell you to do, things don’t quite work out like they should.

You’d think that by constantly telling her you love her and giving her everything her little heart desired she’d be happy, but that’s not true at all, no matter how much the girlie men in the media preach it.
This is yet another example of how women make decisions about men based on how they feel around you. And how she feels around you is created by your actions.
Women love challenging men because challenge makes them feel attraction. Lack of challenge kills attraction.
Why is this? I have no idea.
But it doesn’t really matter. All that matters is that you, as a man, recognize this fact of female nature and constantly create emotional challenges for her to overcome.
It can actually be a lot of fun once you understand it and learn how to draw it out. But you have to understand it first.
See You Next Time!
It’s never fun to talk about diseases… but if you have Peyronie’s disease, or IBS… or even “nice guy disease,” you’ll definitely want to know the cure!
If you are facing any of these “abnormalities,” take heart! You are most certainly not alone! And our experts have the advice and guidance you need to correct the problem — starting today.
As always, we love to receive your questions and comments! Get in touch at or visit our experts on the website at
To better living,Craig JacksonEditor,